Optimizing the success of your financing — That is PPREF's mission!To achieve optimal financing, we use our extensive experience and network, while we know what financiers need to make the proposition work. Sustainability is one of these components.
We approach sustainability as a Business Case, where the numbers need to make sense. Improved financing options and reduced financing costs are ways to make the business case work. This is where PPREF provides support.
To achieve an all-in-one solution, we work together with technical advisors, architects, and ESG consultants.We can provide you with a comprehensive, integrated plan of approach that includes technical possibilities and limitations, associated costs, and potential improvements. We quantify and show the effects in financial modelling and support you in sourcing the optimal financing to fund the investments needed.
Lenders are driven by stakeholder pressure, but also by their CSRD reporting on scope-3 impact. And they start to realize that swiftly.The impact that lenders create through their own operations, compares to a multiplied 700 times scope-3 impact that they facilitate through their lending. Testing loans on sustainability impact is therefore inevitable.